
Practical Session: Learning from mistakes in a legacy codebase

This is part two of a double-stream we did with Adrian on Our Tech Journey. Inspired by our friday coding session, we noticed resistance bubble up between us as we looked at the state of this project.

We coded mostly and discussed things like:

  • 🔧 Adding tests can help in reverse engineering and understanding the system

  • 🥜 Pairing is a great method for knowledge sharing and exploration

  • ⛳️ Simplify and refactor concepts in a legacy codebase to enable adding features

  • 📦 Abstractions are hard to convey without tests or boundary definitions

  • 🧠 Resistance to change, how the urge to continue #shortterminism can ruin DX

🎙 Watch “Learning from mistakes, part two“

As always you can also find the episode on Youtube, comment on the Our Tech Journey community forum or pick your favorite platform in the sidebar (web only) 👉

What do you think of the episode?


This isn’t the only episode in this codebase, you can check out more below.

Going too fast? Rewatch React Testing Episode 👇