Starting off 2024: Invitations for Soft skills & OOP Encapsulation
Our Tech Journey weekly stream announcement
It’s 2024! Let’s start the year off strong with a focus on human and soft skills along with the Software Engineering Fundamentals Series (for Thursdays). We’ll go over the fundamentals of architecture and design techniques before going into the XP disciplines later in February.
🗓 Jan 3rd — Technology is a no-brainer; Human Skills are the challenge / 4PM CET | 10AM EST
🗓 Jan 4th — Object-Oriented Encapsulation / 4PM CET | 10AM EST
Q&A, live discussion throughout the 90 minutes. Don't be shy!
What do these events look like?
Live participation is encouraged, on most calls we spend 60% of the stream answering questions and engaging in chat commentary
Network with fellow technologists. Tech leads, engineers, architects, product experts, tech founders, solopreneurs
We regularly gather with more than 30+ live participants during the live stream
The agenda is focused and made relevant for a wide audience
Regularly I am joined by expert guests as we drill down into niche topics