Hey, I am Denis 👋

Throughout my 20 years in the tech industry I have observed two things:

  • 🐌 Most engineers have never been on a team that executes well

  • 👨‍🍳 Engineers hate having a manager who isn’t a great technical leader

I publish short posts and Notes on Linkedin and Substack daily and publish 2-3 weekly issues on the newsletter.

Crafting Tech Teams is my answer, my Mission to this conundrum.

Join us in the journey of crafting exceptional tech teams! Whether you are a tech leader looking to inspire a highly motivated team, a founder who wants to hit the market strong, or an engineer who wants to master software craftsmanship, this newsletter is the place to be.

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I want to invite you to share this fascinating journey with me 🚢

Much love 🙏❤️


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Unlock the Untapped Potential of Your Engineering Team. Master yourself and rid yourself of limiting beliefs. Become the leader worthy of a high performing team. Learn how to build the right things at the right time with proven industry practices


I train tech leads how to improve their delivery speeds and maintenance costs by exposing them to Tactical Agility, TDD, DDD and Event Modelling. With just-in-time-training they create processes to deliver the right things at the right time.