great read. thanks for sharing

in an ideal world, how would it look to separate communicating understanding of the problem, and forecasting completion?

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Many combinations can work. Here's a few for each and you can and choose:

For understanding:

- repeat back to your experts what it is they want until they agree

- acceptance criteria: "How will we know it's valuable?" / "How will the user benefit from this?" / "How will we know the is being used as planned?"

- building something to create knowledge, ie. a prototype or an integration POC

For forecasting completion:

- separating waste from the core functionality

- releasing incrementally polished iterations, where each increment is done (rather than 7 different parts and only number 8 is the first version of "done")

- setting strict deadlines for launching a severily under-polished MVP (static pages, limited functionality, manual data manipulation)


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I like these! will definitely take note, thank you

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